Ideas, Innovation, Invention, Impacts, Youth Innovation Challenge (I4YIC)

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Friday, 29 November 2019 at Auditorium Dajono FMIPA Universitas Negeri Surabaya was held the final of “Ideas, Innovation, Invention, Impacts, Youth Innovation Challenge (I4YIC)”.

Ideas, Innovation, Invention, Impacts Youth Innovation Challenge (I4YIC) under the theme Green City-preneurship is exclusively special program designed by Momentum in collaboration with FMIPA Universitas Negeri Surabaya as a part of Kelas Unggulan program. The aims of this program is to challenge students from university level to come up with ideas and innovation to save both the environment and the big cities. This activity is one of the platforms to raise awareness for a better environment, city, and society at the same time. In addition to the theme, it more focusing on environment and entrepreneurship, by the ratio of 70:30. We believe this activity will bring more impact since the program involves participants who will become the future leaders.

From 18 proposals and ideas of group of 2 students, the best five proposals was selected and presented into the finals round. The ideas then are judged by lecturers, native, and practitioner.

“Finalists of Ideas, Innovation, Invention, Impacts, Youth Innovation Challenge (I4YIC)”.

“The winners of Ideas, Innovation, Invention, Impacts, Youth Innovation Challenge (I4YIC)”.

As for the winner are  Savira Eka Yuli Agustina & Rana Yumna Nabila from Biology 17U. Bagus Helmeyanto and Nisrina from Physics 17 Unggulan came for the 2nd place. While best innovation category given to Sharvina Yudatika and Anggi Aulidhia (Physics 18 Unggulan) and for Best Idea is given to Hening Mahardika Jati and Eggy Wahyu Ristanti from Science 17 Unggulan (red.).

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