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I would like to describe my experience while being an exchange student. From February to June 2021, I joined a one semester academic student exchange program at Tarlac Agricultural University in Phillipines. In TAU I take differential equation subject in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. I choose this subject because it is relevant with the course I take here which is Mathematics. It is still within the science and mathematics field.
Since it is a new experience for me, being a student exchange especially doing it online. It was really strange and I was afraid that I wouldn’t understand them if they start talking in tagalog, but they are all so nice and give a great international class environment. For the whole meetings we talk in English and they even teach me some phrases from their language.
At first, after I got accepted. Turned out I was late in joining the class, but the professor was kind enough to held an out of schedule class for me. The lecturer name in my differential equation class is Guiller Damian. I even had a quiz personal because I missed out with the class.

For the content of class itself, it is pretty much the same as the one I take in Unesa. I guess the difference is located in the focused material and the method of learning. The material is much more focused on the application of differential equation there since it is an engineering based class. The material is First Order Differential Equation, Application of First Order Differential Equation, Linear Differential Equation of Order n, the last one is Laplace Transformation. We held the class twice a week, every Monday and Wednesday. Since he wanted us to have as many practice as possible, we had to work on assignment weekly, solving a problem set for every sub-material.

That’s pretty much what I can say about the class. I am so grateful to have been given a chance to be an exchange student. I get a lot of experience and new friends. My classmates, despite having a hard time communicating with English they even reached me out first. I learned how to communicate myself better and improved my English proficiency skill. It was a great one semester exchange program. I would love to gain more experience like this. I am really grateful for the opportunity.